

Domande in Italiano

Questa categoria è per le domande poste in lingua italiana. This category is for questions asked in the Italian language.

500 Questions

Who had a masterpiece in the Italian vernacular?

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Asked by RandyLowder

Dante Alighieri is known for his masterpiece in the Italian vernacular, "The Divine Comedy." This epic poem is considered one of the greatest works of world literature and a cornerstone of Italian literature.

Who is the proverb Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The proverb "Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment, chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie" is often attributed to the French poet and playwright Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. However, it is also a widely known French proverb that reflects the fleeting nature of pleasure in love compared to the enduring pain of heartbreak.

Guardo negli Occhi la ragazza quegli occhi verdi come il mare Poi all'improvviso usci una lacrima e lui credette di affogare Te voglio bene assai ma tanto tanto bene sai?

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Asked by Wiki User

Il testo descrive intensi sentimenti verso una ragazza con occhi verdi come il mare, dove l'autore percepisce una profonda connessione emotiva. La presenza di una lacrima suggerisce una profonda tristezza o struggimento nei confronti della ragazza. L'ultima frase esprime un amore profondo e sincero, comunicando un forte legame sentimentale.

What is the name of an Italian newspaper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corriere della Sera is the name of an Italian newspaper. It's a newspaper of the northern Italian city of Milan. The title of the newspaper may be translated as 'Evening Mail'.

Quanti dieci sono nel numero quaranta?

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Asked by Xxforeverxx

Ci sono 4 dieci nel numero quaranta.

What is the Italian translation of 'O'?

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Asked by Wiki User

O is an Italian cognate.

Specifically, the exclamation is the same in Italian and English. It may be used as the first word in phrases expressing a range of emotions in both languages. But whether to begin a phrase of negativity or positivity, the pronunciation always remains the same: "oh."

What are the numbers of the Italian alphabet?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Italian alphabet is made up of 26 letters. In the order of their occurrence, the letters are 'a' [pronounced 'ah'], 'b' ['bee'], 'c' ['chee'], 'd' ['dee'], 'e' ['eh'], 'f' ['ehf-fay'], 'g' ['gee'], 'h' ['ahk-kah'], 'i' ['ee'], 'j' ['ee loon-gah'], 'k' ['kahp-pah'], 'l' ['ehl-lay'], 'm' ['ehm-may'], 'n' ['ehn-nay'], 'o' ['oh'], 'p' [pee'] 'q' ['koo'], 'r' ['erre'], 's' ['ehs-say], 't' ['tee'], 'u' ['oo'], 'v' ['voo'], 'w' ['dohp-pee-ah voo'], 'x' ['eeks'], 'y' ['i greh-kah'], and 'z' ['zeh-tah']. The letters 'j', 'k', 'w', 'x', and 'y' only occur in foreign words that have become part of the Italian vocabulary.

How do you care for the Italian heather called ventricosa?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Italian heather (Erica ventricosa) does well in pots. It is picky about its living conditions. Containers may allow more control to keep conditions the way the plant prefers them. They also allow the plant to be moved in and out of the house since the plant is frost intolerant. In fact, it is only cold tolerant to around -1 degrees C/30 degrees F.

It likewise is strong sun and wind intolerant. It likes a sunny location. But it prefers to miss the hotter afternoon sun. Hot sun tends to evaporate moisture faster than Italian heather likes. The plant absolutely does not like its soil to dry out.

In fact, Italian heather wants a more acidic, free draining, slightly moist soil. So it prefers a pH in the 5.5-6.5 range. It does not like clay. It prefers loam. But it handles growing in potting soil that is mixed with good compost.

During the growing season, Italian heather responds well to fertilizer. But it prefers a controlled release fertilizer. It is a plant that likes to keep its nitrogen intake in check. Otherwise, too much nitrogen in the plant definitely shows up in lush, uncontrollable growth and little or none of the pink flowers that are the plant's pride and joy.

When was Le Piu' Belle Di created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Le Piu' Belle Di was created in 2007.

Why does Italians talk funny?

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Asked by Wiki User

um, perhaps because they are from a different country.long ago before they had telephones and stuff like that, people in different countries learned to speak differently, and they never heard people speak in different accents, so it's not like they had any idea they were speaking differently. they probably think we talk funny. its simply a mark of heritage and history.

What is the pronuciation for the Italian word boheme?

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Asked by Wiki User

boheme is actually a French word and is pronounced: "bo-EM"

Is delgadillo an Italian last name?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't think so. Delgadillo is a spanish surname.

How to you pronounce Mi sei mancato tanto durante l'estate?

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Asked by Wiki User

mee say

mankaato (1st"a" like in "cut", 2nd"a"like in "car", "o" like in "pot")

tanto ("a" like in "cut", "o" like in "pot")

doo - run - te ("te" like in "tell")

less - taa ("a"like in "car") - te ("te" like in "tell")

Come tradurre in inglese 'Il fiore non ti scordar mai di me'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flower, you never remember me or Flower, don't you ever remember me may be English equivalents of 'Il fiore, non ti scordar mai di me'. The masculine definite article 'il'means 'the'. The masculine noun 'fiore' means 'flower'. The adverb 'non' means 'not'. The reflexive pronoun 'ti'means 'yourself'. The infinitive 'scordare'* means 'to remember'. The adverb 'mai' means 'ever'. The preposition 'di' means 'of'. The personal pronoun 'me' means 'me'. All together, they're pronounced 'eel FYOH-reh nohn tee SKOHR-dahr meye** Dee meh'.

*The vowel 'e' of 'scordare' may drop for prose, poetic, musical or conversational reasons.

**The sound 'eye' is similar to the sound in the English noun 'eye'.

What do Italians buy?

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Asked by Wiki User

they only buy butter... and only on the weekends.

Di che colori sono le zanzare?

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Asked by Wiki User

Le zanzare [da famiglia Culicidae] sono di colore grigio o nero.

What are the six forms of essere?

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Asked by Wiki User

The verb essere, meaning 'to be' has six forms in the infinitive. They are as follows.

Io - sono

Tu - sei

Lui/Lei - é

Noi - siamo

Voi - siete

Loro - sono

Do all the words in Italian end with a vowel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Words that have been taken from other languages don't always end in a vowel. Ex: il computer, gli sport, il club, il film, il DVD